The Cancel Bet API is called when the Place Bet API is timed out or the Operator returns a response in the wrong format against Naga Games.
API URL : {OperatorAPIDomain}/{OperatorEndpoint}
HTTP Method : POST
Body Parameters
- data (JSON)
must contain all fields below.
Name | Description | Data Type | Status |
betId | Unique ID of the bet | String (length: 36) | Required |
playerToken | Unique token of the player Note: When the player token is enabled in the cancel bet configuration, the player token will be included in the payload for every request | String (length: 255) | Optional |
- dataHash (String)
All request data received from Naga Games is hashed with SHA-256 as a data checksum, signed with the private key, and generated for each operator using the RSA signing algorithm.
Header Parameters
- X-Signature (String)
Must be generated from signing process with correct order of data fields & privateKey.
About Signing & Verifying dataHash & Signature
Refer ➡️ How to signing & verify dataHash and signature for Seamless mode?
Response Structure
Refer ➡️ Success Response Structure and Failure Response Structure for HTTP Response structure and codes.
Data Response
Name | Description | Data Type |
betId | Unique ID of the bet | String (length: 36) |
status | The status of the bet | Must be "CANCELED" |
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"data" : {
"betId" : "41984486-2234-4aa8-be82-df58eab8b121"
"dataHash" : "7884a27f65954d52346fd51e43fbba9cdfeca81f08d67782e2addb99069434e9"
Example of Response
Success Response Example (HTTP status code 200)
data: {
"betId": "41984486-2234-4aa8-be82-df58eab8b121",
"status": "CANCELED"
error: null,
"betId": "",
"status": "CANCLED"
Success Response Example (HTTP Status code 201)
data: {
betId: '',
status: "CANCELED",
error: null,
Fail Response Example (HTTP status code 400)
data: null,
error: {
statusCode: 400,
message: 'Transaction Seamless Already Resolved',
Fail Response Example (HTTP status code 400)
data: null,
error: {
statusCode: 404,
message: "Transaction Not Found"