Using this method, an operator can check the status of every transaction made between a player's source account and his wallet in the Naga Games system.


Read Me First!

An operator must generate X-Signature based on their input data before sending the request.

Please Refer ➡️ How to generate signature for Transfer mode?

An operator must process the data in the same order ( data order and the number of data fields passed ) as specified by Naga Games to get the result from the API. Please make sure that the signature generated is valid before requesting, as different data will generate different signature and will result in error ( happens if any order or any data is missing or invalid during the signature generation process ).

Please Refer ➡️ Data Ordering before Stringify & Hashing


// Payload get from query params
const payload = {
  "brandCode": "srot",
  "groupCode": "dpae",

//To ensure accurate results when using this API.
//The operator must create an instance of the generateSignatureExample() function. 
//Prior to employing the API, it is necessary to generate the signature using the newly implemented function since it provides a guaranteed output and response.
const signature = generateSignatureExample(payload);


API URL : {NagaGamesAPIDomain}/operator/transfer/transactions/{transactionTransferId}
HTTP Method : GET

Header Parameter:

  • X-Signature (String) - Required
    Must be generated from signing process with correct order of data fields & secretKey.

Body Parameters:

  • data (JSON)
    must contain all fields below.
Parameter NameDescriptionData typeRequired
transactionTransferIdThe unique identifier of the transaction transfer recordStringYes
brandCodeUnique code name of a brandStringYes
groupCodeUnique code name of a groupStringYes


curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'X-Signature: 9ac2bd1f6cda780afe766ea6a4b4bf8d6429c414ee438d17ae7db0ee96413545' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'


Data Response

NameDescriptionData type
amountAmount of the transactionDecimal
brand.idThe unique identifier of the brand transaction recordString (length: 36)
brand.codeAuto-generated code of the brand in Naga Games’s databaseString (length: 4)
group.idThe unique identifier of the group transaction recordString (length: 36)
group.codeAuto-generated code of the group in Naga Games’s databaseString (length: 4)
createdThe date and time when the record was createdDateTime
currency.idThe unique identifier of the currency codeString (length: 36)
currency.codeThe three character unique identifier of the currencyString (length: 4)
idThe unique identifier of the transaction recordString (length: 36)
nativeTransactionIdThe unique identifier of the native transaction recordString (length: 255)
player.idUnique Identifier of the player in Naga Games SystemString (length: 36)
player.nativeIdNative Identifier of the player in Operator’s systemString (length: 255)
statusStatus of the transaction:

typeType of the transaction:

wallet.idUnique Identifier of the Wallet in Naga Games SystemString (length: 36)
wallet.balanceBalance amount in the player's walletDecimal


Success Response Example (HTTP status code 200)

  "amount": 1000,
  "brand": {
    "id": "2f740d6a-35dc-461d-a415-a927e342407a",
    "code": "srot"
  "group": {
    "id": "81540e1e-dc99-40a7-a1fb-70d6c05de26d",
    "code": "dpae"
  "created": "2023-07-21T08:09:28.267Z",
  "currency": {
    "id": "727d3d98-6294-bf23-a4ad-963f5b06bf74",
    "code": "THB"
  "id": "d51dd942-fc93-20ab-29f3-6f00a43589c3",
  "nativeTransactionId": "d93b49c8-bd90-42eb-bbab-5697171b704a",
  "player": {
    "id": "50784686-4e24-4607-b125-9e7cc20a0148",
    "nativeId": "player_transfer_01"
  "status": "SUCCEED",
  "type": "DEPOSIT",
  "wallet": {
    "id": "26729ffd-a63d-4fc3-9660-61ce360ed611",
    "balance": 1000

Failure Response Example (HTTP status code 400)

  "message": "Transaction Not Found",
  "code": 1208,
  "timestamp": "2023-05-10T04:48:05.565Z"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!