In Game > Bet, you can view the details of every bets made by players in your group.
Information of a Bet detail includes:

  • ID: the ID of the bet
  • Created: the date and time when the bet detail was added to Gamify Studios’ system.
  • Updated :the date and time when the bet detail was last updated.
  • Player: the ID of the player who made the bet
  • Group: name of your group
  • Brand: name of the brand that the player belongs to
  • Channel: the platform used by the player, including PC and Mobile
  • Game: the game in which the player made bet
  • Bet Size: size of the bet. For example: 0.01, 0.05,...
  • Bet Level: level of the bet, ranging from 1 to 10
  • Amount: the bet amount.
  • Bet Amount = Bet Size Bet Level Base Bet
  • Currency: the currency in which the bet was made
  • Earn: the amount of money that player won from the bet
  • Bet type: the type of the bet. A bet can be Normal or Prepaid. Prepaid bet is a free spin.
  • Currency: the currency in which the bet was made
  • Player Before Balance: balance of the player’s wallet before the spin
  • Player Ending Balance: balance of the player’s wallet after the spin
  • Player Ending Balance = Player Before Balance - Amount + Earn
  • Bet status: the status of the bet.
Bet StatusDescription
PLACEBET_OPERATOR_ERRORPlacebet request can not be processed due to operator error
PENDING_CANCELLEDPlacebet request encounters timeout error. The bet is going to be cancelled
CANCELLEDthe bet is cancelled due to a Placebet request timeout
PLACEBET_CHECK_FAILPlacebet request was processed successfully. However, operator response was invalid
PENDINGPlacebet request was processed successfully. The spin process continues
PAYOUT_OPERATOR_ERRORPayout request can not be processed due to operator error
PAYOUT_CHECK_FAILPayout request was processed successfully. However, operator response was invalid
RESOLVEDPlacebet and Payout requests were processed successfully. The bet is resolved