Permission: a role is accompanied by a set of permissions in different resources. Permissions regulate operations of a user in a resource.
When a role is created, permissions set in accordance with that role are summarized in Authentication > Permission. As for custom roles that are under your management, you can manually set permissions for them in Authentication > Permission.
Authorised actions granted to a role in each resource are different. For each resource, the user may be allowed to perform these operations:
- Create: to create an element/record in a section.
- Read: to view details of an element/record of a section.
- List: to view a section on the navigation bar and view a full list of elements/records in that section.
- Update: to update an element/record in a section.
- Delete: to delete an element/record in a section.
Each operation can have one of these statues:
image: Enabled - the user can perform this operation.
image: Disabled - the user can not perform this operation.
Default permission of a newly created role is initially set as disabled. As a Group Admin, you must manually select the operation that a role is allowed to perform in a resource.
Case 1: The newly created role is allowed to access Player Report
Fields of Player Report:
- Player ID: primary key of the table
- Native ID
- Brand
- Winnings
- Bet Count
- Bet Amount
- Won Amount
- Currency
Permission of resources that are related to fields in the table should be:
read: enabled
In order for users of this role to view Player Report in full detail, the permission should be set as follows:
Resource | Create | Read | Update | Delete | List |
report-players | x | ✓ | x | x | ✓ |
player | x | ✓ | x | x | x |
brand | x | ✓ | x | x | x |
currency | x | ✓ | x | x | x |
Case 2: The newly created role is allowed to access Sales & Profit Report
Fields of Sales & Profit Report:
- Brand
- Game ID
- Game Name
- Game Type
- Channel
- Bet Type
- Bet Count
- Player Count
- Currency
- Bet Amount
- Won Amount
- Profit
Resource | Create | Read | Update | Delete | List |
report-sales-and-profit | x | ✓ | x | x | ✓ |
brand | x | ✓ | x | x | x |
game | x | ✓ | x | x | x |
game-type | x | ✓ | x | x | x |
player | x | ✓ | x | x | x |
currency | x | ✓ | x | x | x |

Updated almost 3 years ago