Fixed Rates
In System Setup > Fixed Rates, you can view all the real-time exchange rates between currencies supported by your brands.
Information of a conversion rate record includes:
- ID: unique identifier of the
- Type:
- CL: Real-time exchange rates are fetched from Currency Layer.
- Multiplied: Fixed exchange rate is manually input by System Admin.
- Fixed Rate: If the type of conversion rate is Multiplied, this figure will be used to convert that pair of currencies. Else, exchange rate is applied.
- Exchange Rate: real-time exchange rate from Currency Layer.
This figure will be 0 if type Multiplied is selected. - Target Currency: the base currency
- Based On Counter Currency: the counter currency
- Created: the date and time when the record was added to Naga Games system.
- Updated: the date and time when the record was last updated.
Updated almost 2 years ago