Bet Settings for Brands
A game's bet setting defines a set of bet amounts as well as minimum/maximum bet values. A bet setting is regulated for each game of each brand in each currency.

A game’s default bet setting is prepared by System Admin. This default bet setting will be automatically applied to a game when a brand first operates it.
Only Group Admin of selected groups (Custom Roles Level 10) can update Bet Setting for available games in their brands based on Default Bet Settings.
Custom Roles level 10: Group Admin who can update bet setting must be assigned to a Custom Role of level 10. Custom Role level 10 is equal to a default Group Admin with additional permission in the Bet Setting resource.
To update bet setting for 1 game of 1 brand in 1 currency
- In Support > Bet Setting, click on Create.
- Enter value to the following fields:
- Brand: name of the brand in which you want to update the game’s bet setting
- Game: name of the game you want to update bet setting
- Currency: the currency in which you want to update the game’s bet setting
- Min Total Bet: the minimum value of total bet
- Max Total Bet: the maximum value of total bet
- In the Bet Size and Bet Level field, add or remove values. Total bet will be automatically calculated.
Total Bet values can not exceed the range set by Min/Max Total Bets.
- Click on Save.
Updated almost 3 years ago