Integration API
All API methods listed below are required for successful integration between Operators and Naga Games.
Opening Game APIs should be called in a recommended order as below to properly open and play Naga Games.
Method | Description | Status | Step | API Provided By |
Get All Available Games | Operators requests URLs of all available games from Naga Games | Required | 1 | Naga Games |
Opening Game | Operators use provided game URLs to redirect players to Naga Games game server | Required | 2 | Naga Games |
Get consolidated Bet Records | Using this API, operators can obtain consolidated bet statistics of their players in 5 minutes intervals. | Optional | Naga Games | |
Authorize SEAMLESS | In order for players to play Naga Games games, operators authenticates players by secure token | Required | 3 | Operator |
Get Bet Status | Naga Games calls this method to send Operator the betId of the bet. Operator then returns the status of that Bet | Optional | _ | Operator |
Place Bet | When players make a bet, Naga Games calls this method to validate the bet (checks if the player has enough funds and subtracts money from his/her balance) | Required | __ | Operator |
Payout | Naga Games calls this method to send Operator the winning Amount of a bet. Operator then returns the updated balance. | Required | __ | Operator |
Operator Cancel Bet | Naga Games calls this method to send Cancel Bet request to the Operator when Placebet request timeouts or Operator returns invalid Placebet response | Required | __ | Operator |
Operator Get Player's Balance | Naga Games calls this method to get the balance player. | Optional | __ | Operator |
Get Player's Bet Records | Operator sends a Bet History request to the Naga Games to get a list of bet records for 1 player in 1 game. | Optional | __ | Naga Games |
Get 1 betID Record | Operator sends this request to the Naga Games to get 1 bet record by using a particular Bet ID. | Optional | __ | Naga Games |
Lock Player | Operator sends this request to Naga Games to lock player. Once the player is locked they cannot able to play the game. | Optional | __ | Naga Games |
Unlock Player | Operator sends this request to Naga Games to unlock player. Once the player is unlocked they can able to play the game again. | Optional | __ | Naga Games |
Please refer to Diagrams for more details into opening game and playing game flows
Updated almost 2 years ago